Well we made it to Friday and it has been a long week.

I am looking forward to a long holiday weekend.
Do you have any plans over Labor Day weekend?
We are heading to my sisters to baptize my nephew.....
I got to see him this week and it was a pleasant surprise
even under the circumstances.
Love Him!!
I just wish he and my sister and brother in-law lived closer
so I could see all of them more.
We have been busy working on new things for The Nest.
Over the weekend we are switching things up and
bringing "Fall" into the store!!
My poor dining room has been taken over once again!!!!
Speaking of Fall I have been "pinning" a lot of inspirational pictures!
What did we do before Pinterest!!?
It's funny when people visit The Nest they say that it looks
like a "Pinterest or Etsy Store!!"
Here is a few pictures that have inspired me this week......

I am going to try and paint some pumpkins this year with Andrew.
I'm sure ours won't turn out so gracefully but we are going to give it a whirl!!

Such a happy picture!!
We attempted to grow pumpkins this year but unfortunately
the fabulous weather did not cooperate.
Growing pumpkins is one thing I want to master
Our poor garden didn't stand a chance this year.

I love this last picture too!
I really like the combination between rustic and industrial...swoon!!!
Are you ready for Fall!!?
I love this last picture too!
I really like the combination between rustic and industrial...swoon!!!
Are you ready for Fall!!?