Family Life, Crafting, The Nest Storefront, Things That Make Me Smile,

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Prep. & Craft Club Recap

It is hard to believe that Christmas is next came so quickly this year.
Are you ready!?
We are least ready as we are going to be!
It has been cold here--like really cold.
Today it is in the 40's and it feels like Spring-LOL how sad is that!?
Embracing Winter this year lasted about a week for me...I'm over it.
We have been busy at the store and are already getting ready for the New Year.
We are closing down between Christmas and New Years and I am looking
forward to having some down time it will be nice and much needed!
We are also working on something "BIG" for the store....stay tuned....
an opportunity was brought to us and I think we are going to run with it!!
I will let you know for sure when everything is ready to go!!
Last week in a snow storm we had our December Craft Club.....the snow was
piling up outside but inside the store the ladies crafted/created and chatted the night away!

Outside in was cold and snowy but inside it was warm and happy!

I think I shoveled the walk like 5 times that day....grr!!
I was so happy that the weather did not interfere with our night and most of the
 ladies braved the weather.

As soon as everyone arrived we got down to business.
Each lady created two scrappy fabric ornaments with glitter.
Let me tell you everything is better with glitter!
It is always amazing to see how each persons craft turns out there is never two of the same!

Craft Club has allowed me to meet so many wonderful ladies.
Each month the dynamic of the group is different but the craft brings everyone together!
I am so happy and blessed that so many ladies are enjoying and
attending our monthly event!

I don't mind cleaning up a mess when it is a happy mess like this!

The aftermath of Craft Club!!
This upcoming month (January) we are offering two separate days due to the large
number of ladies that wanted to join!!
If you live in the area and want a creative night away from home you should sign up too!! 
 We have a few spots open for our Thursday, January 16th date.
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and gets to spend
some quality time with their loved ones!!
Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

What's Been Going On...

Hello Hello!
How are you guys!?
I am good...just gearing up for a brand new week!
How was your Thanksgiving?
Ours was good!
Low key and perfect!
We go to my sister-in-laws for Thanksgiving and
each year we have a good time!
It was quiet there this year a few people missing
that we missed the company of.
The holiday shopping season is now if full swing!
Did you brave the crowds on Black Friday?
I went out Thursday night for a quick trip to
Wal-Mart...I was able to grab a few deals...but with
the store this year I had to work all weekend so needless to say
I enjoyed all the customers that "shopped local!"
We are gearing up for two holiday craft boutiques this week...and I am
also working hard trying to supply a friend that owns a salon with some
merchandise for her holiday open house...busy busy busy bee that is me!
I stumbled upon this t-shirt today and sent it to
Kev to add to my Christmas wish list....
I LOVE this shirt and must have it!!
Speaking of shirts we just ordered t-shirts for The Nest!!
I am excited...they are going to be great and we will
also have some available in the store.
If you live in the area The Nest along with a lot of other fabulous vendors
will be participating in two local craft boutiques:
Wednesday, December 4th from 6-9pm @ First Step Preschool (St. Luke's Church)
11519 Wilson Mills Road, Chardon
Saturday, December 7 from 8:30-3:00pm
Silver Bells Holiday Boutique @ Timmons Elementary School
Stop out and see us!

Have a good week!!