Family Life, Crafting, The Nest Storefront, Things That Make Me Smile,

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Random Thoughts and Store Updates.......

How are you!?
Guess what the SUN is SHINING!!!!!
The sun likes to surprise us every once in awhile and
when it shows up it makes the day that much better!!
We have Craft Club tonight and tomorrow night and I am looking forward to
a new year with new and exciting Craft Clubs!! 
Our February Craft Club dates are available in the store and I will post
them on Facebook this Thursday is going to be a good one!
We (you) are going to be creating your own 14 ft. garland!!!
This project will surely add some "sunshine" in your homes!!
**Picture below of some examples**
 We are also busy planning our next Ladies Night which will be on:
Friday, March 6th from 6:30-9:00 pm
you can find more information here...
We had so much fun during our first one we thought we would do it again!!!
A lot of new merchandise has come into the store.....
Love Designs has brought in many new necklaces and earrings......
I have been busy restocking more new furniture.....
and a lot of new home décor items too!!!
I absolutely fell in LOVE with this bird fabric and thankfully my
mother-in-law made pillows out of it for me!!!
You gals will LOVE it to!
We also have a new stock of fresh Drizzle Melts and candles too...
Enjoy that sunshine today!
It's good for the soul :)
 Till next time!
Oh Yay how about

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 Bring It On!!

Tonight I am sitting in my jammies....relaxing and waiting for the Ohio State game to start.
Our Christmas tree is still up and I'm ok with it!!!
I'm still enjoying the "twinkle" lights at night and I
think we will leave everything up for a few more days!!!
It's peaceful and I soaking it all in!
Today is also New Years Day.....
 How did that happen so fast!!!!?
It's 2015 and I am ready to embrace the new year with open arms.....
Do you make a New Years Resolution?????
I do not.....I'm not good at it.....instead I make a list
of things I want to accomplish both
personally and professionally.
I like checking things off as the year goes
on and it keeps me motivated and pushing myself to
reach the things that matter to me.
How was your Christmas!?
Ours was good!

We were all spoiled this year.

Andrew got Kev an OSU pillow from his Santa Shop at school and last year he got him an OSU's pretty funny in our house since my hubby is a huge Notre Dame fan but it's the thought that counts!

This little boy wanted 1 thing a DS and Santa delivered....
he was beyond excited!

Taking a minute to grab a quick photo of "us".
Pez was whooped from all the Christmas excitement too!
It's been a nice Christmas break and in between hanging out with the family we have also been working on things to the store.............
I have painted several pieces of large furniture and we are "refreshing" the store with lots of new merchandise.
Set of matching 1933 Vintage Dressers.
I love these and they are beautiful!!
I hope everyone has had a chance to take a break from their everyday routine and enjoy some family really is nice
to slow down  for a bit.
Happy New Year!!!!!