How are you!?
It's been a very long time...too long since my last blog post.
I guess the saying is true that time flies when your having fun!
Hard to believe its July 26th..........and we are more then half way through our summer vacation.
The weather here is FINALLY warming up we are expecting a few
90's this week and it makes me happy!
How has your summer been treating you?
Ours has been jammed pack with work, vacation, summer camps, swimming,
and enjoying the lazy days of summer.

Andrew played baseball all summer long and did a great job!
His team came in 4th place out of 12 teams and he really made
huge progress this year....next year he jumps up to the next level (minors)
that's going to be a big change for him however he really seems to enjoy baseball
so that's a plus....oh yeah and I's sure getting ice cream after all the games helps too, lol!
My All-Star!!
I also decided to CHOP my hair off this week...an entire 12 inches got cut off!
It felt refreshing to get that much hair cut off and I am loving my new cut...
I think I'm going to rock the short hair for awhile.
It felt refreshing to get that much hair cut off and I am loving my new cut...
I think I'm going to rock the short hair for awhile.
Andrew and I have been spending a lot time outside swimming and
hanging out at Pioneer Waterland with each other. I am HAPPY that my
son enjoys the sunshine as much as me!!
hanging out at Pioneer Waterland with each other. I am HAPPY that my
son enjoys the sunshine as much as me!!
Hard to believe that this kid is tall enough to drive his own go kart at Pioneer Waterland!
When the attendant measured him and said he was tall enough his eyes lit up like
it was Christmas morning, I on the other hand was a bit nervous.
Summer time for me also means reading a good book!
I just got done reading......

and I'm currently reading...

I have really been enjoying Mary Kay Andrews writing....her books
even inspired our vacation to Tybee Island, Georgia in June!
If you have never read one of her books you should pick one up from the library
or book store they are really good!
Next post I'll share our vacation to Tybee Island. Georgia it was FANTASTIC!
Oh my....I almost forget to share...with you guys.....one of the most exciting
things that is happening this Summer is that we are relocating
The Nest to the Main Street in Chardon!!
It's like a dream come true to have The Nest be apart of our local square and we move in
just 2 short weeks already!!!
Well I've enjoyed catching up with everyone and I plan on
blogging more frequently again (sorry).....till the next time
enjoy the sunshine and soak it all up!

Just saw the 'blurb' about your store on Fox8. You are a girl after my own heart!! Your store is JUST what I would have if I had the means. GOOD JOB!! AND I love Mary Kay Andrews books. I've just started the Lowcountry Summer trilogy. Will be visiting your store soon!!!