Family Life, Crafting, The Nest Storefront, Things That Make Me Smile,

Monday, March 25, 2013

Catching Up...

It's Monday evening already and a new week is in full swing.
At the end of the week Andrew and I both start Spring Break and
I am so looking forward to it!! 
It is like a breath of fresh air knowing I have some time off
of work and get to spend it with my little man! 
Bring on the lazy morning with coffee and cartoons and snuggles!
I have so many things I want to accomplish and I 
hope to get them all done.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that the weather gets
better too-since last night we got more snow. 
 It is really starting to get depressing as I sit her and type out
this post giant snowflakes are falling steadily.  
It is pretty but it is time that God shuts off the snow machine.

This is how I felt when I got out of bed this morning...
I kept hitting snooze and wanted to stay in bed!!!
Note to self......hitting snooze and getting out of bed late is
not worth the running around like a crazy lady to make up for lost time!!!


We had a nice weekend and Kev and I even had a date!
We took a trip to Target to get everything ready for Easter...there
is so much good "eye candy" in Target right now!!

I also did a little "craft show prep/baby shower prep" shopping and
came home with a super happy bag filled with goodies!!
Over Spring break I plan on breaking out the sewing machine!

Check it out I picked up a brand new owl mug and a new magazine!!
Yep you know it two of my favorite things!!!
I am loving this wall collage over the console table and feel a project coming!!

Kev was busy with a project of his own in our room.
He built me some new shelving for storage and they are
going to make putting away blankets and other misc. 
linens so much easier!! 
Thank you babe!!!!  
Next step new closet doors!

This weekend I also got some items together that will be featured
at the Beachwood Community Center the entire month of 
April for their Up-Cycled Exhibit!!  
HOMESPUN will be featuring Book Page Christmas Trees,
 Book Page Wreaths, and Vintage Words Atlas Wreaths.

On Sunday we also went to a family birthday party and it included roller skating!
It was a lot of fun and today I am sore!
Andrew was a mess when he first got on the skates
but by the time we left he was getting the hang of it and said,
"mom this roller skating makes me feel like a teenager!"
He cracks me up with some of the stuff he says and thinks!!

It's been a long time since I had roller skates on but we had a lot of fun
and I think we will do it again!

Well that about wraps up what we did over this past weekend.
 I hope you had a good weekend too and got to spend
some quality time with your loved ones as well!!

Good Night Lovelies!!
Steph ;)

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