Family Life, Crafting, The Nest Storefront, Things That Make Me Smile,

Friday, January 10, 2014

January Craft Club Round 1

Hello and happy weekend...we  made it...phew!
Do you have any plans?
Last night we hosted our January Craft Club Round 1
and it was a blast!!
 It is an exciting month because next week we are holding
another group of ladies for Round 2 of craft club!
Being surrounded by so many ladies that share each others passion is truly amazing it is like creative bliss!
design quote
Craft Club is a night away that everyone gets to let loose and create something magical. I provide everyone with the materials give them an example and then
set them free to create! Everyone's projects are unique and we never have two of the same.

Setting up is just as much fun for me!!
I'm like a kid in a candy store with craft materials..
the possibilities are endless!!
Everyone's tables are FULL with a variety of supplies that they can use to complete their projects...and sometimes I even grab MORE from the back.....just ask Heather!!
Once everything is set up I get super antsy
for everyone to arrive.
It was a nice group of ladies last night that I truly am lucky to have gotten and continue to get to know many of them. Each month we have some "returning crafters" mixed in with new crafters and it is a nice balance.  Next week for Round 2-90% of the ladies are all new so that will be a hoot getting to know them!

Everyone was greeted with a mason jar name tag
and the letters of their choice.
Name tags are nice it takes the "awkwardness"
out of meeting new people.

And then they arrived...all 21 of them...ready to CREATE!!!

We have ladies that come alone and ladies that come with friends....either way works out  great and new friendships
 are formed!

Loving Kim's Letter M and the bakers twine she
wrapped it in!!

Mandy and Heather!!
I love that they also fall asleep watching
Duck Dynasty at night!

Showing off their letters!
It is fun to watch everyone's creative process during the night. Some girls walk around the store to get inspired, some talk out loud to themselves to decide what they are going to do, and some walk around and look at each others to get inspired!!



Showing off some more letters and hanging out with friends.

During the night I was able to grab a quick picture of some of the finished letters. All so different and unique in their own ways!! I wonder where they all went home and
displayed their letters??????
Next week's Craft Club will be just as much fun with another round of 24 ladies. If you live in the surrounding area and would like to join we just announced our February Craft Club date and details and you can find out it here:

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Our Christmas....A Bit Late!!

 Happy New Year Everyone!!
2014 is going to be is full of possibilities and
I plan on scooping every one of them right up!
How was your Christmas!?
Ours was good.
It really goes by way to fast though.
The store was closed between Christmas and
New Years and it was a nice break to simply
just slow down and be together.
I would like to say...".thank you" to everyone who
"shopped local" this holiday season!!!
Now I am going to slam ya with picture overload!!

We started the holiday season off right baking sugar cookies that my friend Crystal from Sweet Love Cookies was kind enough to put together for us....
our very own gingerbread boy kit!!
This was a hit and of course they were yummy!

My mom stopped over and joined in on all the fun too!

 Andrew thought he was sneaky but we caught him quite a few times shoving frosting and sprinkles into his mouth!!

I'm so glad we did this activity together it was a good time!
I have to laugh Kev's cookies looked the best!!
He has mad cookie decorating skills!

Christmas Eve we headed to Kev's Aunts and Uncles--a tradition.

Grandma and all her grandkids!

The Three Musketeers!!

Christmas morning Andrew was ready to rock!
All the anticipation and excitement leading up to Christmas morning this year was fun...he truly enjoyed and "believed"!!

Super Mario Brothers galore...everywhere...
he is OBSESSED! Lol!

Another favorite this year was Super Mario Monopoly.
Kev and Andrew have been playing this game a lot!
I will stick to playing Super Mario & Luigi goes by faster!!

Pez...completely wiped out on Christmas Day.

We also visited the Great Lakes Science Center
over Christmas break. It was fun and we
enjoyed all the experiments together.

Kev looks so thrilled!

Ha-- this was a blast...sorry about the grainy picture!
Static electricity station was our favorite!

The weather was so nice we even got to enjoy
a nice walk outside.

My boys!

We also went to my sisters house with my mom and dad for Christmas and got to spend some time with Luca!

Baby presents = a lot of pieces to be put together.

Love Them.

Thank you Uncle Kevin for putting together
my new bouncy seat!!

And that's a wrap...our Christmas 2013 in a nut shell!
How was yours!?