Family Life, Crafting, The Nest Storefront, Things That Make Me Smile,

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Some Of My Favorite Pics....

Today is the First Day of Spring
and in Northeast, Ohio we are
under a Lake Effect Snow Warning-really!!!?
Spring will eventually get here and when it does
I will be welcoming it with open arms!

I am sitting here tonight just looking through old
pictures...and thought I would share some of my favorites!
Get ready for picture overload!
They are in no order what so ever!!
Looking is crazy how big Andrew has gotten.

He was such a little peanut!

The kid has eyes that will just cut right through you!

 First Day of Kindergarten 2012-2013.

The LOVES of my life.

Andrew is a total beach bum just like me!!

Frankfort, Michigan...we have to get back there!


Turning 6--
Super Mario Style!!

1 comment:

  1. These pictures bring back so many memories! He is so little in them and it feels just like yesterday we were all at the hospital waiting for his arrival! Time sure does go by way too fast! Give him a kiss for me!
