It has been Birthday Central for us this weekend!
Andrew turned "6" on Saturday and we threw him
a Super Mario Theme party at home.
Here are some snapshots from his party.
Friday night Kev and I got ready for his party.
I baked and cooked and Kev blew up
balloons to put in Andrew's room.
Poor Pez did not like the balloons!
Before we went to bed we filled his room up with balloons and
he was so excited the next morning when he woke up!
It is the little things that put the biggest smile on his face!!
Kev and I caved and let him open the present we got for him.
If you haven't noticed Andrew is OBSESSED with Super
Mario so getting him a new game was perfect!
Before the festivities began for the day I was able to grab
a cup of coffee and finish a scarf for my principal.
And then it was time to PARTY...6 year old style!!
I made a cake and cupcakes for his party and both were a hit.
Super Mario Gummies-why not more sugar!!?
The birthday boy-Andrew!!
We were actually able to get most of the kids to sit down and
eat at the same time.
Then it was game time!
Andrew asked for two games:
Pin The Mustache on Mario and a Pinata!!
What a crazy bunch of kids!!
This picture cracks me up!
Pinata Time!
All the kids took a few swings and then Andrew's friend.....
Adam knocked it down!!
The kids all rushed over and grabbed handfuls of candy!
Me and Andrew!!
Birthday Cake Time!
I wonder what he wished for!?
After the party and when he was getting ready for bed..
Andrew looked at me and made a "heart" with his
hands and told me he really appreciated his party-LOVE HIM!!
Today we have been recovering from the birthday bash and Andrew has
been playing with all his new toys!
This quote is perfect!!
Thanks to all our family and friends who came
to celebrate Andrew's big day with us!!
Happy 6th Birthday Andrew Michael!!!!
I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend as well and
are getting ready to start a brand new week!!
Stephanie ;)
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