Family Life, Crafting, The Nest Storefront, Things That Make Me Smile,

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A BIG Thank You!! honestly feels like a brick has been lifted off of
our shoulders since we have told the world our good news!!
This was the best kept secret for more then a month and being
able to share it with everyone is like a breath of fresh air!!
If you are wondering what I am talking about check it out here
Words cannot express how much both Kev and I appreciate the
kind words and best wishes we have received from so many of
our friends, families, co-workers and complete strangers about the
opening of our new store...The Nest!!!!!!

What started off as a dream is now a reality
and Kev and I are ready to rock it!!!!
I am so lucky to have a hubby that believes in me

and the endless possibilities that lay ahead for us!

We have a lot of work to do in order to get the store
ready but I know it will get done!  I will share pictures along the way!
We are aiming to be opened by the second week in July....
and I cannot wait to open the doors for everyone!



Saturday, April 27, 2013

Coming Soon.....The Nest!

A life changing moment has occured and is now taking
Kev and I down a new path in our lives.
A dream of mine has actually become true..amazingly easy and fast.
I was at a turning point in my present job-being a first grade teacher.
Being a teacher is all I have known for the past 10 years.
I have enjoyed it a great deal but certain aspects of my job have become tiresome
and I knew that a change had to be made.
This all started on Good Friday and pretty much the writing
 was on the wall---literally---Kev's grandpa's name is written on the wall.
I am scooping up this opportunity with open arms and running with it!!

I am happy, excited, nervous, anxious, and so proud to announce that Kev and I are now the proud owners of a small store in Chardon....

 We are aiming to open early July!
More details to come so stay tuned!


Thursday, April 25, 2013


It has been busy around here lately...all good things
happening right now but it has left us with little time 
to just sit back and relax.  This weekend is my sister's 
baby shower at our house so we are in full baby shower
prep right now! Hoping to make it a nice day for her and
my new little niece that we are so patiently waiting for.
My little sister is having a baby...strange for me!


This kid loves Super Mario....he is honestly obsessed...
but I guess there can be worse things out there that he could
be into so Super Mario I can handle!!

There are a few signs of Spring popping around our yard.
Spring is just taking extremely long to get here this year.

Last weekend I had a craft went o.k.......always
a learning experience for sure and it was nice to meet up
with fellow crafters/vendors and catch up!

I have another show in less then a month and it is
outdoors!! This will be my first outdoor show so it
is going to be interesting!! Hoping the sun shows up with
some warmer temps that day!!

The reclaimed picture frames have turned out
to be a hit!  I am glad so many people have
taken a liking to them!

Thanks to my mom and mother-in-law for helping me out that day!
They are simply my best two ladies!!

Last Sunday Kev and I went "junking" and scored some
awesome stuff!! This is Kev's new girlfriend....this table is amazing
in person and he about drooled when he layed eyes on it!
He has been helping me out A LOT lately so I
am glad he found something too!!

You may be thinking, "what in God's name are you doing with
this stuff Stephanie" but let me tell ya I have BIG PLANS for it!!

We scored the best reclaimed wood....and 
have a few projects in the making with all of it!

The truck was totally loaded down I honestly do not know how
we did it. Some of the stuff we loaded weighed 125 lbs but we were
both determined.  Kev and I were laughing on our way home we went
to Chipotle and when we parked we laughed and said.....the people around
us must be thinking we were headed to the junk yard.....but we were actually
heading home with prized treasures!!!! I guess it is true when they say
"one mans junk is another mans treasure!" 

Well tomorrow is FRIDAY and I am ready for the weekend!!
I hope you have a great weekend too!!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013


It's time to celebrate!
Good things are happening around our neck
of the woods and it is super exciting!!

Kev and I have been working on something over the past
few months and everything has just about fallen into place..
tonight I have to handle the last piece and it is
super exciting!!

 Have a great Tuesday!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

What's Been Going On Around Here!!

It is a brand new week and I am ready for some warmer weather!
We keep getting a day here and there but Winter temps are still lingering.
HOPING for some GOOD NEWS this week-fingers crossed!
I am not good at the waiting game...patience is a virtue!

Just thought I would share some random pictures of what's been
going on in our neck of the woods the last week.

Saturday the sky was amazing!!

 This kids melts my heart!
He is holding "teddy" his number one bear!
My sister and brother-in-law bought it at the Hillcrest Hospital gift shop
and it has never left his side.  Poor teddy has gotten so worn over the past six years
but Andrew doesn't seem to mind one bit.

Pez has been trying to soak up as much sun as possible too!
She cracks me up she is a sun-bather!!

 With the arrival of Spring the playground is starting to get more use again.
The kids enjoy going outside and acting like nuts!!
This is my niece, Katie!

Springtime in Cleveland we are still wearing hats and winter coats.

Andrew had this scene set up for days.....when I asked him what was going on he
told me that all these different toys had to meet each other!

We have been busy with track.
Andrew seems to be enjoying himself...if we could just get
him to look forward when he is running and not at the other runners he
would be in a lot better shape!!

He is on a relay team with three other Kindergartners and they
have been doing really well together!!

At this point...I am probably screaming...."run Andrew run"!!!

This is his relay team!!
Such little men!

I've also been trying to get ready for a craft show that I have this
upcoming Saturday.  I have a lot of new things to sell!!

 Loving my new "mini" chalkboard Terra Cotta planters!!
I have more prep work to get done this week but I am sure
it will all come together!!

Time for some coffee, coffee cake and the Voice!!

Have a good night!
-Steph ;)-

Thursday, April 11, 2013

April Showers

It is rainy here today and when it rains I CRAVE COLOR!
I do not like gloomy days I would much rather blue skies and hot
temps everyday!!  Spring has finally made it to my neck of the
woods and our snow is all gone!
I am hoping not to see snow for a long LONG time!!

This week has been a nutty one and I am thankful we have
almost made it to Friday.  A lot has gone on this week mixed in with our
day-to-day routine.  Kev turned 34, a friend was in a bad accident and Kev and
 I are waiting for an important say the stress has been huge is an understatement.
Oh and we are now the proud owners of 20 lbs. of minnows-we have
begun the stocking process in our pond!

My motto right now!!
I stumbled on it on the fabulous Pinterest and thought perfect!!
Kev told me I need to handle my stress better...but if you know me
you know I cannot contain or hide my emotions or feelings...
they are out there for the world to see!! 
I need to work on this and take a step back and just relax.

But enough are some HaPpY CoLoRfUl pictures

that made me smile this week!!


Hope you are having a terrific Thursday!!

Steph ;)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Kevin Michael.

Tomorrow my high school sweetheart turns 34.

Happy Birthday Kev!!

I met my hubby in high school we were friends and then
started dating going into our senior year.
We are total opposites so I guess the saying
"opposites attract" is true! 
I have spent half my life with him
and could not imagine a day without him by my side.  
He is my best friend and my "go-to" person for
whatever life throws at us and he is an AmAzInG Dad!!

He is also an AmAzInG husband that I cherish and am lucky to call "my own".

Thanks for putting the "red" note in my Social Studies book
so long ago....I Love You!

Happy Birthday Special K!!

-Steph ;)-

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Good Wednesday morning...the sun is shining here
and there is HOPE for warmer temps by the end of the week!!
Andrew and I are going to meet Kev for lunch and to do some shopping
around downtown Willoughby..I LOVE SPRING BREAK!!

Really random thoughts today....but what book are you reading lately!?
I am almost done with my book and I need some recommendations on
my next book!!

Currently I am reading this.....

This book is the last of one of her trilogy's and I almost
don't want to finish it because I hate to see it end.  Nora Roberts is one of my favorite
authors and her books just capture me and leave me wanting more!!
As soon as I finish it I need to pass it along to my sister-in-law she has been
waiting patiently!!

My love of all things written by Nora started with this series.
I HIGHLY recommend is great!!

I do want to pick up this book next.
It looks amazing and I follow this blog so
I would like to help support her journey!
From all the fellow bloggers that wrote about
this book it seems amazing.

Have you had the chance to read this book!?

Well I am going to get Andrew ready to go and we are going to
head out.  I hope everyone has a fantastic Wednesday and does
something they love today!!

Steph ;)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Our Easter Weekend.

How was your Easter!?
We had a good Easter!
My sister was in town for the weekend and
it was nice to see her and her "growing belly!'
We did some baby shower shopping and favor making.

Check this out....
the sun popped out over the weekend!
It was a welcoming sight!

I found Zuchinni just chilling in the sunlight on my car!
He is a sunbather!!


I received new books that I bought from
Amazon so that put a smile on my face too!!
Gotta love Amazon and buying their "so-called"
used is really the way to go!

 We did the traditional dying of Easter eggs!
Always a good time!

Andrew got this little area all ready for 
the Easter bunny!  He laid out a bowl of carrots, 
the Easter eggs we dyed and his basket!

Kev and I waited till the last possible minute to stuff
Easter eggs but we got it done!

Pez was beside herself with all the chocolate.
Earlier last week she actually got into my Easter
stash and ate an entire chocolate Easter bunny.
I was worried about her but it seemed to not effect her.

We got Andrew a bike this year he was excited.
I am hoping the weather warms up a bit so 
he can practice riding up and down our drive way.

We also got him a butterfly habitat....he is really into Science
and actually asked for one!  He will get a kick out of it.

The holidays are fun when the kids "believe".......
don't want him to stop "believing".

My mom brought him over a chocolate mustache since
the kid is obsessed with Super Mario!!

We had dinner at my sister-in-laws house
and it was delicious!! Her house was super cute and
all decked out for Spring/Easter!!  
Trying to get a picture of all four kids is tricky but we managed.

My niece, Charlotte Faith....LOVE!
She is so easy going and I had to grab a few
snapshots of her in her Easter outfit.

 Then it was time for the Easter Egg hunt.

Living in Northeast  Ohio our Easter Egg Hunt had
to be indoors due to rain but the kids could
care less they were focused on finding those eggs!!

I hope you had a good Easter too!!

Steph ;)