Family Life, Crafting, The Nest Storefront, Things That Make Me Smile,

Monday, April 15, 2013

What's Been Going On Around Here!!

It is a brand new week and I am ready for some warmer weather!
We keep getting a day here and there but Winter temps are still lingering.
HOPING for some GOOD NEWS this week-fingers crossed!
I am not good at the waiting game...patience is a virtue!

Just thought I would share some random pictures of what's been
going on in our neck of the woods the last week.

Saturday the sky was amazing!!

 This kids melts my heart!
He is holding "teddy" his number one bear!
My sister and brother-in-law bought it at the Hillcrest Hospital gift shop
and it has never left his side.  Poor teddy has gotten so worn over the past six years
but Andrew doesn't seem to mind one bit.

Pez has been trying to soak up as much sun as possible too!
She cracks me up she is a sun-bather!!

 With the arrival of Spring the playground is starting to get more use again.
The kids enjoy going outside and acting like nuts!!
This is my niece, Katie!

Springtime in Cleveland we are still wearing hats and winter coats.

Andrew had this scene set up for days.....when I asked him what was going on he
told me that all these different toys had to meet each other!

We have been busy with track.
Andrew seems to be enjoying himself...if we could just get
him to look forward when he is running and not at the other runners he
would be in a lot better shape!!

He is on a relay team with three other Kindergartners and they
have been doing really well together!!

At this point...I am probably screaming...."run Andrew run"!!!

This is his relay team!!
Such little men!

I've also been trying to get ready for a craft show that I have this
upcoming Saturday.  I have a lot of new things to sell!!

 Loving my new "mini" chalkboard Terra Cotta planters!!
I have more prep work to get done this week but I am sure
it will all come together!!

Time for some coffee, coffee cake and the Voice!!

Have a good night!
-Steph ;)-

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