This weekend snow fell...and LOTS of it.
The news channel said we received 7.2 inches..
and I believe it.....we are completely
blanketed with snow and it is nice
for Christmas.
I am not a Winter girl but I do like it
when we have a white Christmas.
Friday night Kev and I wrapped, wrapped and wrapped
some more!! I am a horrible gift wrapper.....we were
laughing....and I said I would definitely be fired if I
worked in the North Pole.
I love the idea of neatly clever wrapped presents but
honestly once we start I just want to get it done!!
Saturday morning we woke up to lots of fresh snow.
Pez was ready to get out there and play!
Saturday morning consisted of MORE gift
wrapping.....but it is all done and that
makes me happy!!
Andrew enjoyed some cousin time with Katie.
They had a good time...I am glad they enjoy
each other's company so much!
Fresh snow=Outside Playtime!!
The idea of going outside and playing in the
snow is fun...however 20 minutes to get everyone
bundled up and ready is dreadful.
Andrew was having a good old time!
Snow Angels are a must!
Pez was checking out all the action while we
were playing in the snow.
Sunday morning we spent relaxing drinking coffee and I
browsed a few magazines.
I came across this looks so fun I want to go!!
Thinking maybe I can "re-create" this sense of fun
for my sister's upcoming baby shower!!!!
Tonight we are hanging low listening to Christmas music
on Pandora and getting ready for Christmas!!
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I just
want to wish everyone a
"Very Merry Christmas From My Family To Yours!!"

Stephanie ;)
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