I only have 2 weeks to go until
my very first Craft Show!!
We have been busy little bees over here
getting ready for it. All hands have been on
deck--my mom, mother-in-law and #1 hubby
have been hands down the BEST HELPERS!!!
Thank you so very much for believing in
me and helping me out!!!
Here is a sneak peek of what we have been up to:
My hubby made this box for me complete with
a little "love note" wishing me good luck on
the bottom of it!!! I LOVE HIM!!!
My friend designed the sign across the front and it
looks amazing. I cannot wait to see the rest
of the signs she made for me in
all their glory!!
I put together this wreath over the weekend.
A little bit of "non-tradition" Christmas style.
It is stinkin cute in person and I may not
be able to part with it!!
My mom helped me finish the rest of my photo blocks.
We are going to have such an amazing selection of
We are going to have such an amazing selection of
things to choose from!!
I have been reading up on some random craft show information
and trying to put together my "Final To Do List".

There are so many websites out there that help
guide you through all the little details.
So many things to remember!!!!

I have to remember to pack a
Craft Show First Aid Kit-ya just never know!!!

The last thing I have to do is price all the products.
This is the hard part but I am going to
a craft show this upcoming weekend to
peek at fellow crafters and hopefully gain some insight!!
This week is going to be busy filled with CRAFTING-CRAFTING-
Halloween---A Mother-Son Night at Andrews school