Family Life, Crafting, The Nest Storefront, Things That Make Me Smile,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Crafting Angels!

Yesterday I came home from work and found bags of crafting goodies on the kitchen island!
My mom and mother-in-law both went out and picked up a few crafting supplies for me just out of the blue!!! It was so nice of them and I appreciate their generosity and support as I get ready for my first craft show!

Thanks moms!!

Over in the dining room area of my house-I need to post a "enter at your own risk" sign because this area just may swallow you whole right now. 
 I think it is time to bring in another table and straighten out the "happy mess!" 

Lastly I have been working on book page christmas trees.  These simply are turning into my favorite thing to make....and I may be biased but I think these
babies are going to SELL SELL SELL!!!!!

 I have 5 completed and 25 other clay pots waiting to be turned into little christmas trees! 

 I will post a "how-to" very soon they are easy to make and are really cute!

Here are the 5 I have finished!
I think it is going to be hard to part with some of the stuff I have been making for sure...but
I hope all my creations will make someone else as "giddy" as I get about them too!!

Have a great day!
Stephanie :)


  1. Those Christmas trees are adorable!!! I also have my eye a few of those wreaths that are in the background!!

  2. Wait to you see them in person!!!!! Going to work on a few tonight. Pick a color for your house and I will make you two!
