A quiet night is just what the doctored order for my
birthday!! We had our own little bash with yummy pizza
and Reese Cup Tree's for desert!!
Andrew had a school project that he needed
to complete so we all pitched in and
he created his own Christmas tree!
It turned out cute and he enjoyed
doing it!!
After the Christmas tree fun-my boys surprised me
with a candle lit Happy Birthday song....they sung to me
and it was super sweet!!!!
I look exhausted in this picture.
Kev brought home Reese Cup Trees and
we all sat on the couch and indulged in all
their goodness!!! I have a weakness for
anything that has chocolate and peanut butter together!!
Once Andrew was settled in bed for the night I took
advantage of some quiet time and got to work on a project
for tomorrow's craft show!
It is amazing how disasterous your house can get
while you are crafting...but at least it is a
happy mess!!
advantage of some quiet time and got to work on a project
for tomorrow's craft show!
It is amazing how disasterous your house can get
while you are crafting...but at least it is a
happy mess!!

Love this quote it fits my house perfectly while I am
in Craft Show prep mode!!
Finished project.....Scrap Fabric Ornaments!!!
These have turned out so stinkin cute they are so
happy they just may put a smile on your face!!!
Tonight on my way home from work I am stopping
at a local craft show to scope it out!!
I heard it is a good one so I am
excited to see what other crafters are
creating and selling!!!
Tomorrow night I have my THIRD
craft show-I am super excited
for it and hope there is a good turn out!!
If you haven't already...come "LIKE" HOMESPUN
on facebook!!
you can check us out using Instrgram
you can find me using....stalty.
What have you guys been up to lately!?
Have a good day everyone!
Stephanie ;)